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For High Skill, High Value Jobs, Working From Home Doesn’t Work

March 29, 2022 | Comments Off on For High Skill, High Value Jobs, Working From Home Doesn’t Work

For High Skill, High Value Jobs, Working From Home Doesn’t (Always) Work While many people discovered that they could complete their jobs through working from home or flex time, not everyone had the same results. Those in high-skilled, collaborative roles may do better with in-person collaboration with teams, for which regular Zoom meetings can’t achieve…

Bad Job Descriptions are Repelling Qualified Workers

March 24, 2022 | Comments Off on Bad Job Descriptions are Repelling Qualified Workers

Bad Job Descriptions are Repelling Qualified Workers Many of our members are recruiting talent to fill important positions in their businesses. Employers in many different industries find it difficult to find employees at every level, and chronic short-staffing is taking a toll on many businesses. However, you may have more eligible workers than you think, but your…

Why Businesses Reject Resumes – Even in a Talent Shortage

March 17, 2022 | Comments Off on Why Businesses Reject Resumes – Even in a Talent Shortage

Why Businesses Reject Resumes – Even in a Talent Shortage Walking down the street, it’s rare to spot a business that doesn’t have a “Help Wanted” sign in the window. The “Great Resignation,” and the number of people who abandoned their 9-to-5 jobs for a side hustle or entirely new career, has resulted in a talent shortage…

Interview Your Employees So They Stay

March 15, 2022 | Comments Off on Interview Your Employees So They Stay

Interview Your Employees So They Stay The Great Resignation is spurring a rash of hiring bonuses, better perks, and aggressive recruitment. You’ve probably heard of or are engaging in focused talent retention – but have you tried the “stay interview?” The opposite of an exit interview, a stay interview is a semi-formal conversation with your…

Do This Before The Great Resignation Becomes The Great Revolt

March 10, 2022 | Comments Off on Do This Before The Great Resignation Becomes The Great Revolt

Do This Before The Great Resignation Becomes The Great Revolt Walk down the street outside your business and you’ll probably see at least one “Help Wanted” sign – and you likely have one of your own up, too. The Great Resignation is turning into the Great Revolt, as workers are leaving jobs in droves –…

Many Who Quit Didn’t Show Up in Unemployment Numbers — What Gives?

March 8, 2022 | Comments Off on Many Who Quit Didn’t Show Up in Unemployment Numbers — What Gives?

Many Who Quit Didn’t Show Up in Unemployment Numbers — What Gives? Millions of Americans have quit their jobs during the Great Resignation. 4.4 million employees left their jobs in September alone in search of greener pastures with July and August numbers not far behind. It would be expected that everyone that quit would either need to…

Is the Great Resignation Permanent?

March 3, 2022 | Comments Off on Is the Great Resignation Permanent?

Is the Great Resignation Permanent? Gaining traction since April of 2021, the Great Resignation has created a labor shortage for many industries that are now struggling to fill open positions. While some speculations early on suggested that workers would return before the holidays, time told a different story. A poll conducted by the US Chamber…

How to choose colors for your new logo

March 1, 2022 | Comments Off on How to choose colors for your new logo

How to choose colors for your new logo A logo is the first impression people will have of your brand. With studies revealing users take 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about your business, there is a need to make your logo really stand out. Most successful and iconic logos that make a brand instantly…

Upgrade Your Website Traffic with These Tricks

February 24, 2022 | Comments Off on Upgrade Your Website Traffic with These Tricks

Upgrade Your Website Traffic with These Tricks Your company website is the first impression nearly all of your customers have of your business. If it’s not optimized for search engines, though, potential customers may never see you. Search engines have artificial-intelligence “bots” that scour the internet for websites that match a user’s search query, and…

What a Weird Housing Market This Is

February 22, 2022 | Comments Off on What a Weird Housing Market This Is

What a Weird Housing Market This Is If you’re trying to buy a home, the housing market in your community may be crazy tight. This is a weird housing market right now, and with the pandemic getting better, many buyers are clamoring for a very small supply of homes for sale. In even more bizarre…

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