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Important Updates on the City of Flagstaff’s 2024 Water & Sewer Fee Hikes

Important Updates on the City of Flagstaff’s 2024 Water & Sewer Fee Hikes In the May 2024 issue of the Chamber’s @7000 feet magazine we shared our concerns about the city’s water, sewer and reclaimed water rate hikes being proposed to Flagstaff’s Mayor & Council. We also shared our ongoing advocacy work on this issue…

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Update on the City’s New Water and Wastewater Fee Hikes

Update on the City’s New Water and Wastewater Fee Hikes The City of Flagstaff Mayor & Council will formalize the city’s water, wastewater, and reclaimed water utility rate hikes with two public hearings on Tuesday, June 17, and Tuesday, July 2, 2024.  City staff and the city’s rate consultant had proposed a 15% per year…

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5 Content Marketing Strategies for Small Business Owners 

5 Content Marketing Strategies for Small Business Owners As a small business owner, you already know the importance of marketing for business growth. Content marketing is an excellent strategy to connect with your target audience and expand your reach. However, creating all the necessary content can be overwhelming. In this article, we’ll share five valuable…

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Toxic Workplaces and Bosses Have These in Common

Toxic Workplaces and Bosses Have These in Common The Great Resignation is partly due to many people realizing that the demand for employees has created opportunities for them to try new things. A side effect of the work-from-home shift during the pandemic and an overall change in workplace culture shined a rather bright light on toxic…

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How Entrepreneurs Use Networking

How Entrepreneurs Use Networking   An essential skill for any entrepreneur the ability to create meaningful connections via networking, also called network development. Creating connections with customers both old and new is important but creating a network of other entrepreneurs and business owners provides value customers can’t provide. Typically this comes in the form of insights…

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Working Moms Starting Home Based Businesses

Working Moms Starting Home Based Businesses   Staying at home with your little ones is a luxury that many moms desire, but they simply can’t afford. Fortunately, the internet, one of the best gifts of the century, has multiple business ideas and income opportunities that stay-at-home moms can exploit. Moreover, the growth of work from…

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This Year, Discover the Benefits of Volunteering

This Year, Discover the Benefits of Volunteering Aristotle once equated the essence of life to serving others and doing good. While the philosophy seems like a fulfilling endeavor, it’s not quite practical given that we lead super busy lives. With our already jam-packed schedules, it’s impossible to think of giving away your time and energy…

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Improve Your Leadership Skills by Thinking Differently

Improve Your Leadership Skills by Thinking Differently   Is your team stagnant, or is there a sense of tension in your department? It may not be “just your gut feeling,” but rather an indication that your team is in a “flight or fight” mode. Today, we’re looking at three distinct emotional states in the workplace,…

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Chamber Weighs In with Federal Lawmakers to Avert National Rail Strike

Chamber Weighs In with Federal Lawmakers to Avert National Rail Strike Labor negotiations which had been ongoing for at least the last 18 months fell apart early last week, and a national rail strike was threatened for Friday if parties could not get together and agree on moving forward.  The Chamber weighed-in with a letter…

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